

Trusts are often used to protect and make the most of a person’s assets for the benefit of future generations. They often play a part in a tax planning strategy but should not be thought of as the exclusive preserve of the extremely wealthy.

There are numerous different types of trusts designed to suit different circumstances and it is essential that the use of trusts must not be entered into without first taking proper professional advice. Trusts may be established within a person’s will so that the trust only takes effect from death, or trusts may be set up in a person’s lifetime to suit certain family circumstances or as part of a tax planning strategy.

You could not have improved the service you gave to me. You did a difficult job very efficiently.

Mrs W

Getting in touch

If you would like any further information, one of our team will be happy to meet you either at our office or in your own home to talk through your requirements. Please contact us at any time on 0151 236 1744 or email us.

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